November 19, 2024: Japanese knotweed symposium, Namur
Save the date – Symposium on the management of Japanese knotweed on redevelopment sites: constraints, solutions and prospects. The Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) in collaboration with the Cellule interdépartementale des Espèc...

April 22, 2024: Press conference, results of biomonitoring carried out around metal shredder sites in Wallonia.
At the request of the Walloon Government, we have collected urine and blood (and hair) samples at the start of the 2022 school year from teenagers aged 12 to 19 living near the 7 active metal grinding sites in Wallonia. …

Regional coordination of SAMI entrusted to ISSeP
Following the new decree on the quality of indoor environments, the Walloon Region is entrusting assessment missions to provincial SAMIs. For the past year, the ISSeP has been responsible for the regional coordination of these SAMIs. The aim of the &...

PFAS: Blood sampling campaign gets underway
The overall objective of this targeted human biomonitoring is to objectivise the exposure to PFAS of people living in the study areas. The levels of PFAS impregnation measured in the residents of the Chièvres, Ronquières and ZIP areas will be &hell...

December 2023: The ISSeP Reference Laboratory presents two important new products for CWEA
The Compendium Wallon des méthodes d’Echantillonnage et d’Analyse (CWEA) (Walloon Compendium of Sampling and Analysis Methods) groups together a set of methods intended for samplers and laboratories operating in the Walloon Region for th...

Press release December 12, PFAS: blood sampling begins
At the suggestion of Environment Minister Céline Tellier, the Walloon Government has entrusted the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) with the task of operationalizing a campaign to measure and analyze PFAS in the blood of people affect...

November 2023: Launch of a study on farmers’ exposure to pesticides
Are farmers more exposed to plant protection products (PPPs) than the rest of the Walloon population as a result of their professional activities? ISSeP launches a new BMH Farmers study. The project is scheduled to start at the end of …

December 07, 2023: Closure of the Intello project, ISSeP, Liège.
Artificial intelligence, just a buzzword or a major challenge for an environmental research center? Come and find out the answer with six talks by ISSeP researchers and presentations by external scientific experts (UCLouvain, ULiège, UTwente) on Dec...

November 9-10, 2023: New basic training sessions for soil and waste samplers
Organization of new mandatory training sessions for soil and waste sampling, with simultaneous translation into Dutch and German on demand. REGISTRATIONS : https://forms.office.com/e/9Rt61HFd9x PROPOSED DATES IN LIEGE – ISSeP Thursday, November...

October 3-4, 2023: On the road to zero waste in construction, Bouge
ISSeP will be present at the event, with Dominique Bossiroy speaking on asbestos on Tuesday, October 03. This event is organized by DSD (SPW’s Soil and Waste Department), with the first day focusing on recycling, while the 2nd day will …...

September 2023: ISSeP acquires new tools for air quality assessment
Our 6 modules, whose names symbolize mobility and agility, have been designed to attach easily anywhere and measure various air pollutants. They complement our fixed and mobile stations throughout Wallonia, to give us a better understanding of air po...

May 22-23: Citizens’ meetings on the Aero-sols project
ISSeP is launching a pilot project to monitor the potential impact of atmospheric fallout generated by the activities of the two Walloon airports, Liège and Charleroi. The aim of the study is to measure the concentrations of 3 types of …

May 24, 2023: Press conference, human biomonitoring results in Wallonia
Discover the results of the second human biomonitoring campaign in Wallonia . The press conference took place on May 24 at the Espace Eurêka in Sart-Timan, in the presence of the French Minister for the Environment, Céline Tellier. Read the &hellip...

May 17-18, 2023: Joint Urban Remote Sensing conference, Heraklion
Our remote sensing and geodata colleagues will be present at the JURSE (Joint Urban Remote Sensing) Symposium with two posters to present: “From DL approach conception to operational product design: identifying roof materials for policy makers&...

April 25, 2023: ISSeP joins the European ACTRIS network
ACTRIS is a European ESFRI project, and on Tuesday April 25, the European Commission took the long-awaited decision to create an Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium, or ER...

April 20, 2023: ICOS Belgium Science conference, Brussels
The Belgian scientific conference ICOS 2023 focuses on the general theme “From science to impact”. ICOS is a European network that studies the carbon dioxide flows of different ecosystems to see if they are capable of offsetting our green...

April 20-21, 2023: Municipalia, Marche-en-Famenne.
Would you like to discover a constantly evolving Institute and understand our environmental and health projects? This year, our stand will be highlighting projects with citizen participation. How can you, as a citizen, contribute to the production of...

Belgian Research in Europe 2023 is out.
Here’s an overview of ISSeP’s activities in English, via the international magazine Belgian Research In Europe: Link to article....

May 25, 2023: AI4Copernicus conference on “Earth Observation & Artificial Intelligence solutions for Climate Change Challenges”.
The Relais Copernicus of Luxembourg and Belgium are pleased to invite you to the third edition of the AI4Copernicus conference on “Earth Observation & Artificial Intelligence solutions for Climate Change Challenges” in Mondorf-les-Bai...

Call for candidates for the BIOSOL project (Human biomonitoring of children’s exposure to heavy metals in soil)
The Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is looking for parents willing to take part, with their child(ren) aged 6 to 11, in an epidemiological study aimed at measuring heavy metal concentrations in urine and quantifying their levels in th...

December 19, 2022: Publication in Belspo’s Science Connection
ISSeP is part of Belspo’s Science Connection with the SARSAR project of our Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit. “Satellite, aerial and drone data have become essential decision-making tools for authorities at all levels. Agriculture, forestr...

December 2022: ISSeP joins the AUF network.
ISSeP is now part of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie! This network of scientific organizations aims to promote Francophone research, expand internationally, participate in new projects and share scientific expertise. A first collaboration...

December 2022: CAPTEUR CO2 project, publication of study report
In autumn 2020, ISSeP launched a call for applications to schools for the “CO2 sensor” project. This consisted in providing schools with a sensor to measure CO2 in classrooms, in order to check proper ventilation and exposure to indoor ai...

The Intello project: integrating artificial intelligence in remote sensing, environment-health and air quality.
The INTELLO project aims to integrate Artificial Intelligence tools into the ISSeP’s Walloon environment monitoring activities through 7 thematic applications. After two years in operation, the website has just gone live, presenting geodata (in...

Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields: results of the ENVI-EHS study
Some people suffer from health problems they attribute to electromagnetic fields (EMF). This is commonly referred to as electrohypersensitivity (EHS). This is a syndrome in which sufferers report symptoms they attribute to exposure to a range of wave...

How can you contribute to a healthy and safe environment in Wallonia?
Most of us are already well aware of the importance of ensuring a healthy environment in Wallonia and elsewhere, but there are still some open questions about how we can make a practical contribution as citizens and businesses. Thanks to …

November 24, 2022: Liège Creative, Adapting to climate change in cities
The Liege Creative forum is devoted to strategies for adapting to the effects of urban heat. Our colleagues Coraline Wyard and Benjamin Beaumont, researchers with the Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit at ISSeP, are taking part as speakers. Information ...

Annual report 2021
The year 2021 has been a special one for ISSeP, as we have witnessed several crises, including the floods in July, which almost completely consumed some of our services. In these difficult contexts, we were able to respond to various …

BIOSOL project launched
ISSeP launches a comparative study of the influence of high concentrations of inorganic pollutants on population impregnation. The BIOSOL study will seek to determine the relationships between the total content of a metal pollutant in the soil, its b...

September 13, 2022: Interreg RISCC project closing conference, Mons
Interested in cavity risk management? On September 13, MONS will host the closing conference of the Interreg RISSC project, which deals with the management of the risk of landslides linked to underground cavities in Wallonia and Hauts-de-France. It b...

September 15, 2022: closure of the TRANSFAIR project.
How can communication on air quality be harmonized on both sides of the border? What information should be disseminated, and how can it be made accessible and comprehensible to all? How can we encourage people to take action to improve …

October 20 and 21, 2022: refresher training session for soil and waste samplers
The March 2022 training days will be repeated in October in Liège (ISSeP site). These training courses are intended for soil/waste samplers for whom the March 2022 training course was mandatory, but who failed to attend. Soil sampling: Thursday, Oct...

June 1, 2022: ENERO symposium “How ENERO makes the GREEN DEAL alive”, Brussels
ISSeP is organizing a symposium on sustainable development for the European network of environmental research organizations, to be held in Brussels as part of European Green Week 2022. The exact theme of this conference is: ENERO 30th anniversary ...

ISSeP is a partner in the European Chemical Risk Assessment project (PARC)
Chemical hazards: 200 scientific partners from 28 countries and European Union agencies join forces and pool their resources. The goal? Support new European and national strategies aimed at reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals and their impact on...

April 21-22, 2022: Salon Municipalia, Marche-en-Famenne
Come and discover our environmental scientific activities for local authorities: asbestos analysis, legionella detection in swimming pools, electromagnetic field measurement, scientific projects, monitoring the quality of various environments and env...

Biomonitoring of citizens living near metal shredder sites in Wallonia
WE’RE STILL LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS! INFO AND REGISTRATION: https://www.issep.be/biobro/ Recruitment for human biomonitoring around metal shredder sites in Wallonia Teens living near Wallonia’s 7 metal shredders will receive a letter inv...

March 2022: Belgian Research In Europe
Here’s an overview of ISSeP’s activities in English, via the international magazine Belgian Research In Europe :...

March 2022: Particul’air: call for volunteers
Are you from Liège? Want to take part in a great project to measure certain pollutants when you walk? by bike or by car in the center? By taking on board a sensor and participating in Inter Environnement Wallonie’s citizen …

March 15, 2022: Closing conference for the Waltz project and inauguration of an experimental cycle path based on waterway sediments.
In the context of the closing of our “Valse” project (validation of cross-border value chains for materials such as sediments and excavated soil), a closing symposium was held on Tuesday March 15 at Châtelet. This project is funded under...

Partners in European TransfAIR project launch free mobile game to raise air quality awareness in Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders
The partners in the Interreg TransfAIR project, which includes the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP), are presenting a mobile game designed to raise awareness of air quality by presenting the sources of pollution and its impacts, and en...

March 17, 2022: Earth observation for risk management in Wallonia
As part of the Groupe de Travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), CRA-W, which is about to celebrate its 150th anniversary, is joining forces with ISSeP and Skywin to organize an event on the theme of risk management in …

January 2022: CWEA revision
As Wallonia’s Reference Laboratory, ISSeP has just updated the CWEA (Compendium Wallon des méthodes d’Echantillonnage et d’Analyse): CWEA – Table of contents – ISSeP In 2019, industry experts were consulted on the revis...

January 2022: Publication of the 2019-2020 scientific report
Discover the report on all our research projects that took place between 2019 and the end of 2020. ...

Call for volunteers in Eupen and Namur: install a traffic-counting camera in your home to help improve mobility and air quality in the city.
Do you live in Eupen or Namur? Curious about the amount and speed of traffic on your street? Would you like to help your city make the right choices in terms of mobility and urban planning? As part of the …

March 14-25, 2022: new training sessions for soil and waste samplers
Organization of new mandatory training sessions for soil and waste sampling, with simultaneous translation into Dutch and German on demand. The days scheduled at the Moulin de Beez in Namur have all been moved to Liège. – > REGISTRATION FOR...
October 27, 2021: Presentation of BMH results to farmers’ representatives
Towards concrete farmer participation in the next stages of our biomonitorings? We presented the results of the first biomonitoring campaign in Wallonia to representatives of the agricultural federations. As specified in the Tellier press release, th...

October 4, 2021 – Press conference on Walloon biomonitoring results (BMH-WAL)
Just over 800 Walloon residents volunteered to take blood and urine samples to measure their levels of impregnation with a range of chemical substances found in the environment, food, water, packaging and everyday products. Reference exposure values ...
ATTENTION: e-mail failure
Due to a computer breakdown, incoming and outgoing e-mails are currently blocked for all ISSeP agents....

September 19, 2021: ZERO CARBON Day, Banneux
ISSeP will be present this Sunday, September 19, at the ZERO CARBON day in Banneux from 11am to 5pm, for an educational activity on the theme of air quality. We look forward to your visit: 1, Rue Jean-Paul II, 4141 …

More analyses of Wallonia’s waterways following flooding
In order to detect and quantify the pollution linked to the July floods in Wallonia’s waterways, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is increasing the number of sampling points in the affected areas to analyze water quality, and...

See Belgian Research in Europe
The ISSeP is very active in the field of research, and is featured in the magazine every year to talk about its latest developments in research and development. See the journal here, ISSeP on pages 106-108. Read the ISSeP article …

Biomonitoring in Wallonia: what’s next?
Biomonitoring 1: BHM-Wal project 1. At the end of July 2020, the recruitment of Walloon volunteers was completed slightly behind the initial schedule following the health crisis. 864 Walloons took part in the BMH-Wal 1 project: 285 newborns, 283 youn...
WALLPHY: bringing Wallonia’s wastelands back to life by planting crops (webinar)
ISSeP, Spaque and Valbiom invite you to take part in the webinar organized as part of the WALLPHY project (Realization of applied phytomanagement projects in Wallonia) on May 11, 2021 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. to discover the project’s journey &h...

Aero Aventure
We’re looking for 150 families with one or more children aged 6 to 12 who would like to have fun exploring the air around us. They will receive missions, a sensor linked to an app to measure air quality, challenges …

February 2021: Survey on hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields
A growing number of people are complaining of health problems they attribute to electromagnetic fields (antennas, TV, screens, GSM, Wifi, etc.). This is known as electrosensitivity. There are currently no scientific studies linking these symptoms to ...
February 2021: New schedule for 2021 inter-laboratory tests
Click here to see the new 2021 inter-laboratory test schedule: https://www.issep.be/planning-annuel-essais-inter-laboratoires-2018/ ISSeP is responsible for assessing the performance of accredited laboratories that analyze samples such as water, soil...

December 2020 – Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields: call for volunteers
Wi-Fi, GSM signals, DECT, mobile telephony and extremely low frequencies: the ISSeP is looking for volunteers to take part in a study aimed at improving knowledge of the possible links between exposure to electromagnetic fields and the symptoms of el...

Issues linked to the presence of microplastics in soil and groundwater.
More and more researchers are taking an interest in microplastics, the invisible pollution of the oceans. These are also present in our waterways and soils. ISSeP is taking part in a one-year European research project, in partnership with Ineris and ...

TransStat cross-border data exchange
Our Environment & Health Unit has contributed to the “Screening of projects” report of the TransStat cross-border data exchange program. It has just been put online. The aim of project screening is to identify cross-border projects re...

November 2020 : Take a look at our key figures
ISSeP is currently involved in over 50 research projects on environmental issues, risk forecasting and management, and technological development. Discover ISSeP’s key figures here. ...

November 2020 – Publication of AIR-ECOLE final report
After several months’ work, ISSeP has published the final report on the results of the AIR-ECOLE study. This project, carried out in collaboration with the provincial SAMIs and Hypothèse asbl and initiated in 2019 aimed to promote improved air...
Study on the relevance and estimated impact of implementing communal Low Emission Zones (ZBE) in Namur and Eupen
As part of Wallonia’s Environment-Health Plan, ISSeP was commissioned to estimate the environmental impact of introducing communal low-emission zones by combining in situ measurements of pollutant concentrations with air quality modelling on a ...

September 2020: Wallonair: a new website on air quality in Wallonia
The new www.wallonair.be website is now the reference for comprehensive information on air quality in Wallonia. It broadcasts real-time data measured by some twenty stations throughout the region, and can be used to issue alerts in the event of pollu...

November 25 and 27, 2020: Webinar of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) “Air-Atmosphere”.
As part of the Groupe de Travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), BIRA, ISSeP and Skywin are pleased to invite you to two mornings of presentations and discussions on the Air / Atmosphere theme. These mornings will be an …

September 11, 2020: Wallonair.be press conference, Namur
Just a few days before Mobility Week, we’re holding a press conference this Friday, September 11, to launch our new website www.Wallonair.be. This is the new reference tool for air quality in Wallonia, produced by the Institut Scientifique de S...

Are you hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields?
A growing number of people are complaining of health problems that they attribute to electromagnetic fields (antennas, TV, screens, GSM, Wifi, etc.). This is known as electrosensitivity. There are currently no scientific studies linking these symptom...

July 2020: Wallonia’s biomonitoring recruitment phases come to an end
The Walloon biomonitoring project we have been entrusted with involves measuring the presence of pollutants in the human body: endocrine disruptors such as bisphenol A and its alternatives, certain pesticides (such as glyphosate or DDT, currently ban...
How do I submit an asbestos sample to ISSeP?
To take or deposit a sample for analysis, please follow the instructions in this document carefully: procedure for taking and depositing asbestos samples at ISSeP. If you have any questions, please contact Dominique Bossiroy 04 229 83 21 – boss...

March 30-April 1, 2021 – Workshop EARSeL, Earth Observation for Sustainable Cities and Communities
In 2021, ISSeP is co-organizing the virtual event of this triple EARSEL Workshop with NASA and BELSPO. On the program: 1st EARSeL Workshop: Remote sensing in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4th Workshop “Land use Lan...

June 2, 2020 : Soil sampler training, Namur
->Due to the covid-19 measurements, this event originally scheduled for April 24 has been postponed to September 24. The 2020 sampler training module will take place on Friday, September 24, 2020, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Beez … <...

February 13-14, 2020: ISSeP will be present at Municipalia (2020 trade fair for agents)
Would you like to discover a constantly evolving Institute and understand our environmental and health projects? This year, our stand will be highlighting projects with citizen participation. How can you, as a citizen, contribute to the production of...

January 17, 2020: Press conference on the human biomonitoring campaign in Wallonia
Launch of the first human biomonitoring campaign in Wallonia Are people in Wallonia more exposed to endocrine disruptors than elsewhere in Europe? What is the exposure rate to older pollutants found in the environment? Are some geographic zone...

800 sensors to measure CO2 in Walloon schools: call for applications
The Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is launching a call for applications to schools for the “CO2 sensor” project. This involves providing schools wishing to take part with a sensor for measuring CO2 in classrooms. The proj...

Three mobile stations in Charleroi to measure air quality
We are installing three air quality measurement stations close to traffic in downtown Charleroi. The project was commissioned by the Agence wallonne de l’air et du climat (AWAC) (Walloon Air and Climate Agency) to assess pollution at locations ...

November 14, 2019: “Cross-border cavity risk management” technical day, Lille
On November 14, a technical day will be held in Lille on cross-border cavity risk management. This is the mid-term conference for the Interreg Rissc project on the risks associated with the presence of underground cavities. Its main purpose is &helli...

October 16, 2019: PEMSWALL press conference, Namur
Real-time measurement of vehicle emissions: a Walloon first. Namur, October 16, 2019 4 years after Dieselgate, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is testing for the first time a new tool for checking vehicle emissions under real driv...

October 16, 2019 – “Waste disposal” and “By-products” training, Namur
Recently, the Walloon government adopted the “Removal of waste status” and “By-products” decrees. It will be possible to request the removal from waste status of an item resulting from a recycling or recovery process. We can a...

November 21 and 28, 2019 – Soil sampler training, ISSeP, Liège (29/11 and 05/12 in Namur)
Would you like to become a certified soil sampler? As part of the new AGW Sols regulations, ISSeP is organizing a special training course for samplers. A choice of 4 dates: November 21, ISSeP, Liège November 28, ISSeP, Liège November …

November 27-28, 2019 – SFSE Congress, Socio-environmental health inequalities, Paris.
The 10th annual Environmental Health Congress, for which ISSeP is a partner, will take place in Paris on November 27 and 28, on the theme: Socio-environmental health inequalities, for an interdisciplinary approach. Preferential rates for registration...

September 13, 2019 – Press conference, TRANSFAIR Interreg project, air quality, Tournai
ISSeP is organizing a press conference at Tournai town hall on September 13 at 10 a.m. on the TRANSFAIR Interreg project, a cross-border collaboration whose aims are to develop tools for harmonized information and communication to the public, and to ...

September 17, 2019 – AI4Copernicus, Namur
The Copernicus Relays of Wallonia and Luxembourg, in collaboration with the AI network, are pleased to invite you to the AI4Copernicus event in Namur on September 17, 2019, bringing together all the players in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observ...

October 11 and 16, 2019 – Training for soil experts and engineering consultants: Certification and traceability of soil in Wallonia
This November1, 2019 will mark the entry into force of the new regulatory framework for land management and traceability in Wallonia. To this end, the non-profit organization WALTERRE, designated as concession holder by the Walloon government, will e...

Biomonitoring at Bressoux: call for volunteers
Starting in July, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) will be carrying out a new biomonitoring program among the residents of Bressoux, collecting urine and blood samples to detect the presence of heavy metals. Remember that last Janu...

July 26-29, 2019
ISSeP will be present in the Agriculture Village at the Libramont Fair to promote its environmental monitoring activities and scientific studies in conjunction with CRA-W (EXPOPESTEN, PROPULPPP, BIODIEN, etc.) to agents and the general public. Two co...

May 21 and 23: Presentation of Propulppp study results at GFP 2019 in Montpellier
On May 21 and 23, the results of the Propulppp study will be presented at GFP 2019 in Montpellier. GFP is the French Pesticides Research Group. For more information on GFP 2019, click here. As a reminder, the PROPULPPP study …

May 20: Presentation of the Propulppp study at IUPAC 2019 in Ghent
On May 20, ISSeP will present the Propulppp study at the IUPAC 2019 international congress in Ghent. For more information on IUPAC 2019, click here. As a reminder, the PROPULPPP study confirms the usefulness of the measures taken by the …

May 23, 2019: ISSeP takes part in the new edition of SmartRun Liège
ISSeP is taking part in the latest edition of the SmartRun in Liège, to be held on the Val Benoit site. This year’s objective? Retain champion titles in men’s and mixed categories! SMARTRUN™ is a dynamic, user-friendly experience, for ...

May 20-24, 2019: AquaConSoil Congress in Antwerp
ISSeP will be presenting its VALSE and WALLPHY research projects at the AquaConSoil congress in Antwerp from May 20 to 24, 2019. The VALSE project aims to validate cross-border materials recovery processes. It helps demonstrate the feasibility of reu...

April 18, 2019: Press conference on the emissions testing laboratory announced by car manufacturers
AIR QUALITY: A WALLOON LABORATORY TO CHECK EMISSIONS ANNOUNCED BY CARMAKERS On the initiative of Environment Minister Carlo DI ANTONIO, the Walloon Government has decided to award a 5.5 million EUR grant to the Institut Scientifique de Service Public...

Call for volunteers: take part in a study of air quality in your school!
As part of the Walloon government’s measures to prevent environmental health risks, ISSeP has been asked to carry out several projects on indoor air quality in schools. On the program: promotion of the Good Practice Guide (AD’AIR à lR...

Call for volunteers: better determine urban traffic pollution
The aim of the OIE (Outdoor and Indoor Exposure) project is to map this pollution more precisely, taking into account the geographical spread of particles and the exposure an individual may experience indoors or in the passenger compartment of his &h...

What is the ENVIeS Plan?
In December 2018, the Walloon Government adopted a Plan to study and limit environmental risks to human health. This Walloon Environment-Health Plan (ENVIeS) aims to implement 79 concrete actions, including 19 studies piloted by the ISSeP. Studies le...
January 2019: Publication of the EXPOSTEN report
The overall aim of the EXPOPESTEN project was to develop a multidisciplinary approach to help understand environmental (non-dietary) exposure and the risks associated with pesticide exposure in Wallonia. This campaign to measure ambient air concentra...

February 2019: numerous citizen participation projects get underway
How can citizens participate in scientific production: air quality, pesticides, ambient air, schools, local authorities, etc.? ISSeP secures funding for more than 5 citizen-participation projects for 2019. Each project will carry our “Citizen s...

February 14-15 – Salon des mandataires à Marche
Would you like to discover a constantly evolving Institute and understand our environmental and health projects? This year, our stand will be highlighting projects with citizen participation. How can you, as a citizen, contribute to the production of...

2019: ISSeP integrates a Sustainable Development plan
ISSeP has integrated a Sustainable Development plan with clear objectives, and improving its infrastructures and our working conditions at ISSeP, over the long term, while taking into account environmental and societal constraints, is what will be di...

November 2018: Publication of the final report on the BIODIEN project
Biodien is an ISSeP project looking for endocrine disruptors in Walloon waters with a view to protecting public health and the environment. The final report on our BIODIEN and IMHOTEP (BIODIEN sequel) projects is now available on the SPW website! &he...

2019: ISSeP carries out the first Biomonitoring in Wallonia: 1000 Walloons soon under the microscope
ISSeP receives grant for Wallonia’s first biomonitoring project! This means that we will be studying the presence of chemical substances in the blood or urine of 1,000 Walloons. A further step towards greater knowledge in this field. The Walloo...

November 17-25 – Walloon Air Climate Energy Week
Walloon Air, Climate and Energy Week kicks off in a few days’ time, with over 40 activities organized throughout Wallonia on topics related to air, climate and energy policies. Among these activities, ISSeP offers 2 on the theme of air: &hellip...

November 8 – MOBILO shuttle inauguration
A free shuttle service for users of the ISSeP, Val Benoit and Forem sites was launched on November 5. The shuttle runs between the Standard parking lot (relief parking lot) and the Val Benoît bus stop, opposite the railroad underpass. …

November 6 – Press conference: Pesticides in Wallonia: Current situation and outlook
ISSeP monitors Walloon residents' exposure to pesticides. Suite ...

November 5-9 – NanoSafe 2018
ISSeP is taking part in NanoSafe, the sixth international health and safety conference dealing with nanomaterials, to be held in Grenoble, France, from November 5 to 9, 2018. The results of the ” NANOGRA ” research project will be present...

October 1 – 2nd Workshop Nano in Belgium
At the second “Nano in Belgium” workshop, the ISSeP presents the results of its “Nanogra” research project on risk assessment for nanomaterials (NMx) and nanoparticles (NPs). The aim of “Nanogra” is to offer a glob...

September 19-21 – NanoTox 2018, 9th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
As part of NanoTox 2018, ISSeP presents a poster on nanoparticles: “Occupational exposure during explosivity testing of nanopowders”. This poster explains how the risks of exposure to nanoparticles for the operator in charge of nanopowder...

November 27 – First conference of the Interreg Valse project
On 27/11/2018, ISSeP is organizing, at the Pâturages cultural center, the first colloquium of the Valse project (New cross-border resources: towards a validation of scenarios for the valorisation of sediments and other materials) co-funded as part o...

The 2017 annual report is out!
ISSeP’s 2017 annual report is closed and now available to the public. Click here to consult it. This annual report highlights the colossal amount of work carried out by all the teams in each unit. Their daily involvement is an …

Positive results for our Reference Laboratory satisfaction survey!
This survey meets a requirement of ISO 17043:2010, for which the Institute has been accredited since 2016. It concerns the organization, by ISSeP, of proficiency tests was carried out in 2017. The results obtained indicate that the vast majority of &...

May 17 – ISSeP partners with Smartrun
ISSeP repeats its partnership with Smartrun and takes the podium in all categories: Mixed team category: First place in the mixed team category with the “Blue Screen of Death” team. Men’s category: Firstplace with the “DATR...

June 22 – Presentation of the INTERREG RISSC project
On June 22, a press conference was held at the Malogne quarries to present the RISSC project. ISSeP thus becomes the lead partner in a third INTERREG project aimed at improving cross-border prevention and management of subsoil risks caused by &hellip...

Citizens’ consultation on environment and health in Wallonia
The quality of the air you breathe, soil pollution, endocrine disruptors… What priorities, what actions? Wallonia is asking for your opinion as it draws up its Environment-Health Plan ! A citizens’ consultation on the theme of Environment...

April 19 – Visit to the organic chemistry and microbiology laboratories
Today, pesticides are increasingly in the news, and raise many questions among the general public. That’s why, on April 19, to mark the “Pesticide-Free Spring”, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) decided to open the...

May 3, 2018 – Groupe de Travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), Jambes
The next Groupe de Travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), co-organized by ISSeP and SKYWIN, will be held on May 3 at 1:30 pm at Salle Promibra 1, 7 avenue Prince de Liège, Jambes. This WGEO will be an …

May 13-17, 2018 – SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting
ISSeP’s Ecotoxicology Unit will be speaking at the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), to be held in Rome from May 13 to 17, 2018. She will present some of the results of the … <...
In 2018, ISSeP is stepping up research to objectify the quantity of pollutants circulating in the air and assess their risk.
Pesticides in the air? Present everywhere for decades, pesticides are among the most worrying substances for the environment and for humans. Routes of exposure are ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. While food is generally recognized as the main...

February 22, 2018 – Les Jeudis de l’Aquapôle, Sart Tilman
Christophe Frippiat, our head of analytical laboratories, will present an overview of the presence of endocrine disruptors in Wallonia’s surface and ground waters. This intervention follows on from the BIODIEN project, developed by ISSeP and DG...

April 24, 2018 – BEGEO, Geographic Information Conference and Exhibition, Brussels
Pure connection… Everything happens somewhere! Geographical information is becoming increasingly important in services to citizens and in the solutions offered by companies. Localization is an increasingly crucial parameter in the digital econo...

February 8-9, 2018: Come and visit our stand at the “salon des mandataires” at the Wex, Marche-en-Famennes
ISSeP will be present at the ” salon des mandataires” at the Wex in Marche-en-Famenne. A great opportunity for the Institute to present its activities to local players in Wallonia. Come and discover our scientific activities on the enviro...

October 24, 2017 – Copernicus training day
Take part in our cycle of 3 COPERNICUS information and training sessions as part of Fabspace 2.0 in partnership with ISSeP and COPERNICUS Relays. Objective: Make you aware of the many uses of Copernicus data and services. Provide you with …

October 5, 2017: Signing of the WALLPHY project, depolluting soils with plants
The Walloon Government has approved the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP), Valbiom and SPAQuE for a phytomanagement project, on the proposal of the Minister for the Environment and Spatia...

November 23, 2017 – INTERSOIL, Brussels
International symposium on the theme: Soils, earth and sediments, the same battle? Regulatory changes, harmonizing standards, securing recovery, moving away from waste status, entering the circular economy: a rich program for an event in which ISSeP ...

Better determine urban traffic pollution. ISSeP is looking for volunteers.
What kind of traffic pollution are you exposed to on the street, at home, at work or in your car? To calculate this with the utmost precision, ISSeP, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public, is launching a new project called …

October 20, 2017 – Earth Observation Working Group, Jambes
The next Joint Working Group (companies, universities and research centers) on Earth Observation, organized by ISSeP, will take place on October 20 at 1:30 pm. The theme will be Pleiades satellite data. Venue: Promibra 1, 7 avenue Prince de Liège, &...

October 11, 2017 – Earth observation and population modelling for monitoring urbanization, ULB
ISSeP organizes an open-access scientific seminar on the SMARTPOP project, attended by 3 experts from the monitoring committee. Program: CEREMA’s experience in Earth Observation, demonstrators and partnerships, Didier treinsoutrot, dir. Délég...

Availability of the 2016 annual report
ISSeP’s 2016 annual report is closed and now available to the public. Click here to view it....

September 5, 2017 – Press article: Getting Wallonia’s mines and quarries working again
Is the idea of re-exploiting Wallonia’s abandoned mines and quarries a far-fetched one? Not for ISSeP and the SmartWater researchers. Their aim: to develop a system for regulating power grids, integrating quarry and underground sites as energy ...

August 1, 2016: ISSeP becomes a EURELCO partner
ISSeP begins a new partnership with EURELCO, a European network that maps and shares information on the current and future level of landfill improvement projects (ELFM) in EU member states....

June 26-30, 2017 – AquaConSoil 2017 Conference, Lyon, France
The ISSeP poster describes the development and benefits of an unambiguous, transparent methodology for selecting the physico-chemical values of non-standardized pollutants (NSPs) used to calculate limit values (VLHs). The Soil Decree sets threshold v...

October 24, 2017 – Presentation of the CRR methodology for the use of georadar for road auscultation, Sterrebeek.
This intervention is aimed at georadar users for road testing. Its aim is to provide practical recommendations on equipment selection, radar acquisition, processing and interpretation. ISSep’s intervention concerns the problem of locating imped...

October 2-6, 2017 – 16th Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia 2017, Sardinia.
International symposium held every two years in Sardinia. All waste-related topics are covered. For the 2017 vintage, ISSeP will be presenting a case study: a groundwater protection response plan that an operator must implement in the event of water ...

June 27-30, 2017 – 19th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, ExTech 2017, Spain
ISSeP’s Moerman NanH2O project focuses on nanoparticles in aquatic environments and, in the context of risk assessment, aims to improve understanding of nanoparticle transfer mechanisms in groundwater in Wallonia. The project focuses in ...

June 7, 2017 – Annual Conference of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Hannover, Germany
Nathalie Stéphenne will be presenting the use of remote sensing in spatial analyses of population exposure and vulnerability at the Liège scale at the annual conference of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), in ...

June 6, 2017 – Launch day for Copernicus relays and academies , Brussels.
As the Walloon relay for the European Copernicus program, ISSeP will be taking part in the launch event for Copernicus relays and academies on June 6 in Brussels. Copernicus relays are the regional voices of Copernicus in the various member … ...

June 20, 2017 – “Cables in construction, what’s new?” information session, Brussels.
ISSeP will be giving a presentation on the occasion of this day. Against a backdrop of legislative change, SPF Economie invites you to the “Cables in construction, what’s new?” information session for professionals on Tuesday, June ...

June 13, 2017 – Earth Observation Working Group (EOWG), Jambes.
ISSeP works with Skywin to organize the Earth Observation Working Group (GTEO). For the next meeting on the theme of “Agriculture”, we took advantage of our collaboration with CRAW. It will be held on 13/06 13h30 in Jambes. Click here &he...

May 23, 2017 – 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent
Ghent University organizes its 69th annual symposium on crop protection. The symposium focuses on new developments in all aspects of crop protection, and brings together scientists from over a hundred different countries. Our colleague Arnaud Giusti ...

May 29-31 – The international conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ), Strasbourg, France.
Presentation of the project ” Estimating black carbon concentrations in the city of Liège, Wallonia, Belgium“, Fabian Lenartz, François Detalle, Guy Gérard and Sébastien Fays. Poster presentation ” Measure of ultrafine particles...

May 10-11, 2017 – 6th International Symposium on Ultrafine Particles, Brussels
Oral presentation of the topic ” Measure of ultrafine particles and other pollutants in ambient air: experience feedback in Wallonia (Belgium) near traffic sources / Update 2017″ at the 6th “International Symposium Ultrafine Particl...

January 2017: Together with Spacebel and Skywin, ISSeP becomes the relay for Copernicus space program activities.
Copernicus is a European Union program designed to develop European information services based on satellite observation of the Earth and in situ (non-space) data. The “Copernicus Relay” is responsible for promoting the Commission’s ...

January 2017 – A Contract of Administration signed between ISSeP and the Minister of the Environment
PRESS RELEASE ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) and the office of the Minister for the Environment sign their Administration Contract. It was at the very end of 2016, on December 22, that ISSeP’s Managing Director, Ms Bénédicte ...

La Sentinelle de l’environnement turns 25 – CCI MAG article
Specialized in environmental metrology, ISSeP carries out numerous measurements on behalf of the Walloon Region. A mission he fulfils while offering a range of services to companies. Introducing this benchmark organization with its Managing Director,...

May 23, 2017 – Thematic day on CET post-management
How to optimize the end-of-life of C.E.T.? ISSeP and DSD theme day on post-management of landfills. To present the approach initiated by the DSD and ISSeP to rationalize the conditions for the post-management of C.E.T. in Wallonia. Several aspects wi...

March 14-16, 2017 – ESA-ESRIN, Rome
ISSeP will present the first results of its modeling of land use change in Wallonia to 2050 at the WorldCover 2017 conference. The SmartPop research project aims to develop detailed, dynamic spatial information for the sustainable management of risks...

May 18, 2017 – ISSeP, partner of SMARTRUN
SMARTRUN™ is a dynamic, user-friendly experience, for your employees and your company. It’s a sporting event that stimulates networking and team building, aimed at companies operating in the same economic area and/or concerned by the same eco...

March 16, 2017 – BEGEO, Geographic Information Conference and Exhibition, Brussels
In collaboration with the Belgian Copernicus Relays and Academies, ISSeP is organizing a session dedicated to the Copernicus program, with presentations by DG GROW, Nereus and a round table of regional players in the space sector. Nathalie Stephenne ...

June 6-9, 2017 – ASTEE annual congress, Liège
ISSeP is taking part in ASTEE’s 96th annual congress from June 6 to 9, 2017 at the Théâtre de Liège, whose theme is “From territories to Europe: Building environmental transitions together”. Four papers will be presented by ISSeP...
January 30, 2017 – Groupe de travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), Namur.
ISSeP, in collaboration with Skywin, is organizing an Earth Observation Working Group (EOWG) on the theme of “forests” (the use of remote sensing in forestry). Where? Salzinnes Geomatics Department (Salle Multimédia – Rez-de-chauss...

ISSeP takes part in “Europe calling for you!
To mark the 25th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, the Province of Dutch Limburg, the municipality of Maastricht and the Euregio Meuse-Rhine are organizing an extensive program under the name “Europe Calling! One of the most important found...

ISSeP wishes you happy holidays
As 2016 draws to a close, ISSeP wishes you a very happy holiday season and presents its 2015 key figures. While we await the figures for 2016, take a look at our retrospective of the year....

May 7-11, 2017 – SETAC EUROPA 2017, Brussels
ISSeP sponsors and participates in SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe), the Europe’s largest environmental congress, with 1,800 presentations and numerous parallel sessions. It takes place every year in a different ...

December 8, 2016 – Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation, Workshop 2016, Liège.
ISSeP is sponsoring the UDMV 2016 conference organized at ULg this December 8, 2016. This day will discuss the use of geo-data to study, model and visualize cities. Nathalie Stéphenne will be presenting a keynote entitled “Geoinformation avail...

November 25, 2016 – Inauguration of the nanoparticle and nanomaterial analysis laboratory in Colfontaine
The Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP) is inaugurating its new “NANO” laboratory on the Colfontaine site, dedicated to studying the accidental risks of nanoparticles (NPs) and nanomaterials (NMx), at 10:30 am on Friday Novemb...

February 16-17, 2017: Visit our stand at the “salon des mandataires” at the Wex, Marche-en-Famennes
ISSeP will be present at the ” salon des mandataires” at the Wex in Marche-en-Famenne. A great opportunity for the Institute to present its activities to local players in Wallonia. Come and discover our scientific activities on the enviro...

October 26-27, 2016 – Walloon Climate Summit, Mons.
ISSeP will be present at the Walloon Climate Summit to be held at the MICX in Mons on October 26 (evening) and October 27 (day), organized by the Walloon Government. The Air Climate Energy Plan will be presented and explained …

October 3-7, 2016 – International Tehnical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Chania, Crete.
Fabian Lenartz from the Cellule qualité de l’air is representing ISSeP at the 35th International Tehnical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, a conference held every 18 months and attended by around a hundred air quality mo...

October 6-7, 2016 – Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability, Dresden, Germany
ISSeP presents a poster in partnership with STIR: “Setting up urban laboratories in Eindhoven and the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine as a means of raising awareness and co-creation in the fields of the environment, smart cities and sustainable development...

October 5-6, 2016 – Combura Symposium, Soesterberg, Netherlands.
Part of the ISSeP air quality team, I. Dyakov, B. Bergmans, S. Petitjean and F. Idczak, is present at the Combura symposium 2016 and presents its poster on the alternative use of FTIR ( Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy, technique used …...

October 16, 2016 – Open house at Colfontaine
As part of the Wallonie Bienvenue weekends, ISSeP invites you to visit its Colfontaine headquarters this Sunday, October 16, starting at 10:00 am. ISSeP offers the chance to follow the simplified path of a sample, from sampling to analysis, to &helli...

September 20, 2016 – Groupe de Travail en Observation de la Terre (GTEO), Wavre.
ISSeP is organizing the next Earth Observation Joint Working Group (companies, universities and research centers) on September 20, in close collaboration with the National Contact Point and Skywin. The aim of this meeting is to facilitate partnership...

September 29, 2016: Institute’s 25th anniversary party
An internal event that brings ISSeP staff together for a barbecue in our green spaces to celebrate the Institute’s 25th anniversary and inaugurate a green space that will now be part of Natagora’s “Nature Network”. The “...

September 7-9, 2016: International Conference on Smart Data and Smartcities, Split, Croatia
Benjamin Beaumont will be present at the first edition of the International Conference on Data and Smart Cities in Split, Croatia. On September 7, he will be presenting the advances made in the Moerman SmartPop project, which involves the development...

July 11-13, 2016 – Hydrological Days
The days of the Commission Hydrosystèmes Continentaux (CNFG ) to be held this year 2016 from July 11 to 13 in Belgium on the theme of Sediment flows in Wallonia’s rivers: from the Pleistocene to Tomorrow. The general meeting of …

July 6-8, 2016 – 8th Journées nationales de la Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur, Nancy.
Ali Kheffi presents an oral communication with Daniel Pacyna from DGO3, “Un nouvel outil de prévention des risques du sous-sol en Wallonie (Belgique) – Application au cas des anciennes carrières souterraines de la Malogne (Mons)”....

September 27, 2016 – ENERO Workshop “Open Environmental Data
ENERO is a European network of environmental research organizations. A not-for-profit association acting as an interface between public authorities at national and European level and the research industry in the European zone. Jean-Claude Maquinay, H...

June 21, 2016 – 36th EARSeL Earth Observation Symposium, Bonn, Germany
Eric Hallot and Benjamin Beaumont represent the Institute at the 36th EARSeL Earth Observation Symposium in Bonn, presenting two current projects. The first deals with slag heap stability and the processing of LiDAR data to create digital terrain mod...

June 2, 2016 – Sustainable Development Day
Waste sorting awareness day organized by SPW. As part of Sustainable Development Day this June 2, 2016, SPW and ISSeP have decided to raise your awareness of waste sorting. To have fun and learn more about your garbage, you can …

July 11-13, 2016 – I2SM 2016 – 5th International Symposium on Sediment Management
ISSeP will be present at the5th edition of the I2SM symposium to be held from July 11 to 13, 2016 in Montreal. A paper entitled ” VALSOLINSUS : A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT OF SEDIMENT VALORISATION”, co-authored by Elodie Bouhoulle, Julien Lou...

May 26, 2016 – 34th AUGC University Conference on Civil Engineering
Eric Hallot from the Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit presented a paper on “Localising the urban population to optimize land management” (by Eric HALLOT, Lien POELMANS, Inge ULJEE, Benjamin BEAUMONT & Nathalie STEPHENNE). Building the ...

May 25, 2016 – Symposium “Towards an integrated vision of air and climate in Wallonia”, Louvain-la-Neuve
François Idzak, Head of the Atmospheric Emissions Unit, is taking part in the symposium. On April 21, 2016, the Walloon Government adopted the Plan Air Climat Energie 2016-2022 (PACE). This plan is intended to help implement the decisions taken at &...

May 17, 2016 – International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent
Arnaud Giusti (Cellule Environnement-Santé) will present the results of the first two sampling campaigns (May 28 to June 11 and June 11 to June 25, 2015) of the EXPOPESTEN project: “Ambient air concentrations of 46 currently-used pesticides in...

May 09-12, 2016 – Living Planet Symposium in Prague
Benjamin Beaumont, from the Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit, is taking part this week in the Living Planet Symposium organized by the European Space Agency in Prague. The participatory approach of the SmartPop project will be introduced during the Ci...

March-April 2016 – Crowdsourcing Extracar – project follow-up
Around a hundred of you have offered to take part in our project, and we’d like to thank you. To date, 23 volunteers have received black carbon analyzers and a portable GPS....

April 24-28, 2016 – GEOProcessing 2016 Conference, Venice
At the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems (GEOprocessing) in Venice, two ISSeP papers are selected for the proceedings. The first, written by Odile Close, Nathalie Stéphenne and Christophe Frippiat, deals with...

March 23-31, 2016 – Development cooperation in Burkina Faso
One of the members of ISSeP’s Remote Sensing and Geodata Unit went to Burkina Faso for a development cooperation project. Developed as part of a ULG-ISSeP mission, with WBI as operator, this bathymetric drone was used by Eric Hallot to …...

June 28, 2016 – Participation in the NEREUS-ESA conference, Brussels
Nathalie Stephenne of ISSeP’s Geodata and Remote Sensing Unit will represent Wallonia at the communication of the results of the ESA NEREUS project “Improving Copernicus between local and regional authorities”, on Tuesday 28 of June...

April 15, 2016 – Operation clean-up at ISSeP
The 2nd edition of the Big Spring Clean organized by our Minister of the Environment, Carlo Di Antonio, takes place on April 15, 16 and 17, 2016 throughout Wallonia. This year, ISSeP staff are taking part during lunchtime. With the …

May 09, 2016 – Colloque ExtraCar, Liège
ISSeP is organizing a colloquium to close the Extracar project, which will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Liège this Monday, May 09, 2016, and will present the results of the Black Carbon Traffic Exposure study. This study …

March 22, 2016 – World Water Day
World Water Day is an opportunity to highlight the main “WATER” activities at ISSeP by publishing a fact sheet to help you discover or rediscover this very active theme at the Institute....
May 03-07, 2015 – SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
L’ISSeP était présent au congrès annuel de la Setac (society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) qui réunit les écotoxicologues et les chimistes de l’environnement venant de toute l’Europe. Le nombre de participants est très import...

May 18-20, 2016: 12th International Conference and Exhibition on Emissions Monitoring
ISSeP is actively participating in CEM 2016, the largest conference in the field of Emissions Monitoring, to be held in Lisbon from May 18 to 20, 2016. Two posters will be presented by Benjamin Bergmans of the ISSeP air quality …

April 13, 2016 – Visit the labs for Pesticide-Free Spring. Come and join us.
The ISSeP is taking part in the ” Printemps sans pesticides” (Pesticide-free Spring) with a visit to an “air” station and air quality analysis laboratories. This visit is being organized as part of the EXPOPESTEN research proj...

March 03, 2016 – ISSeP at BeGeo
ISSeP will be present at the BeGeo geographic information exchange. Our new Remote Sensing and Geodata unit will be hosting a ministand on March 3 from 9am to 5pm....
February 15, 2016 – Eric Hallot gives a lecture at ULG
As part of the“Grandes conférences Universitaires de l’ULg“, Eric Hallot, geographer, attached to the ISSeP and lecturer at ULg, will give a lecture on the theme of “ecological restoration of watercourses in Wallonia: the cas...
ISSeP takes part in emissions testing for light vehicles
As the Walloon Region’s reference laboratory, ISSeP provides scientific support for emissions testing of the most frequently used light vehicles in Wallonia. Tests were carried out this Saturday, January 30, in Mons....

February 18-19, 2016 – Visit our stand at the “Salon des mandataires
ISSeP will be present at the ” salon des mandataires” at the Wex in Marche-en-Famenne. A great opportunity for the Institute to present its activities to local players in Wallonia. This year, 2016, is also an opportunity to celebrate 25 &...

February 05, 2016 – ISSeP, invited as a regional collaborator of the SmartPop project.
As part of the SmartPop research project, ISSeP was invited by VITO to take part in the 2nd workshop of the founding fathers of the land use prediction model, the "RuimteModel", on February 5, 2016 in Brussels. The ISSeP's regional collaboration in t...
Geologica Belgica conference in Mons.
On Wednesday January 27, Benedicta Ronchi presents her poster on the “Après-mine” project. Read the abstract....

Presentation of ISSeP to members of the Greenwin cluster. Suite ...
Geo for Emergencies” seminar – AM/FM-GIS Belux
ISSeP was present at the seminar “Le géo au service des urgences” organized on October1, 2015 by the AM/FM-GIS association at Autoworld in Brussels. The aim of the seminar was to showcase the potential of geographic information systems (...
Sept 15 – Mobility Week: ISSeP challenge met!
As part of Mobility Week, ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) has launched a unique experiment in Wallonia: commute to work using a “black-carbon” sensor to determine exposure on the way. This experiment is part of our ExTraCa...
ISSeP and Skywin organized a day of reflection on the integration of satellite data into territorial decision-making processes in Wallonia on October 23, 2015.
A day of reflection on the integration of satellite data into territorial decision-making processes in Wallonia
Geospatial week 2015
Nathalie Stéphenne presented a poster at Geospatial Week 2015. The article entitled "SPATIAL DATA UNCERTAINTY IN A WEBGIS TOOL SUPPORTING SEDIMENTS MANAGEMENT IN WALLONIA" was co-authored by ISSeP and the administration with B. Beaumont, M. Veschken...
NEREUS Workshop Natural Resource Management using Copernicus Services and Data in Munich http://nereus-regions.eu/esaworkshops
Nathalie Stéphenne gave a joint presentation with Christian Barbier from the Liège Space Center at the NEREUS/ ESA symposium organized by BavAIRia....

6th Belgian Geography Days
Benjamin Beaumont presented a poster at the 6th Belgian Geography Days. The poster, entitled "WEBGIS TOOLS FOR ENHANCED ENVIRONMENTAL DATA MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION IN WALLONIA", details ISSeP's expertise in developing WebGIS tools for visualizing...
June 11, 2015 – Final conference of the Joaquin project (Joint Air Quality Initiative), “Clean Air Better Health”, Amsterdam
ISSeP took part in the event with a poster entitled : “Monitoring black carbon with mobile devices in the city of Liège”. Authors Luc Bertrand (DSE/CQA, present at the conference), Fabian Lenartz (DSE/CQA), and Yves Cornet and Christophe...
May 05-08, 2015 – 34th International Technical Meeting (ITM) on Pollution Modelling, Montpellier (France)
Fabian Lenartz (ISSeP, DSE/CQA ) presented a poster entitled : “A coupled experimental-modelling approach to estimate black carbon concentrations at urban level”. Co-authors are Luc Bertrand (ISSeP, DSE/CQA), Olivier Brasseur and Priscill...
EFCA international Symposium, Ultrafine Particles – Air Quality and Climate
ISSeP took part in the EFCA Symposium (European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations) An oral presentation was given by Luc Bertrand (DES/CQA), entitled : “Monitoring Black Carbon concentrations with mobile devices ...
June 15-18, 2015 – 35th EARSEL symposium
ISSeP will be present at the 35th EARSEL symposium in Stockholm from June 15 to 18, 2015. Two papers will be presented orally. They are respectively entitled “Forest stratification to accurately assess carbon stock changes in Democratic Republi...
03-07 mai 2015 – Delphine Leroy et Yves Marneffe ont participé au SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting à Barcelonne
L’ISSeP était présent au congrès annuel de la Setac (society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) qui réunit les écotoxicologues et les chimistes de l’environnement venant de toute l’Europe. Le nombre de participants est très...
Formation sur l’évaluation de la pollution des sols et des aquifères polluées
Adresse: Moulin de Beez Rue Moulins de Meuse, 4 5000 Namur Téléphone: 0495 23 76 18 Nom du Contact: Philippe HERMAND Programme ...
April 24, 2015 – “Nano: issues and risks” study day at PASS in Frameries
When: April 24, 2015 Time: 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Address: Le PASS – Parc d’aventures scientifiques – rue de Mons, 3 à 7080 Frameries Program for the day Registration form: ...