BioBos (Biodiesel production from WWTP sludge)
- Assessment of lipid content in sludge from wastewater treatment plants in the Walloon region
- Optimization of lipid extraction method for industrial-scale application
- Evaluation of the conversion of lipids into biodiesel
- Optimization of lipid conversion to biodiesel using a pilot reactor
- Characterization of biodiesel using standard EN 14214:2012
- Cost evaluation on an industrial scale
- Evaluation of different ways to optimize extraction residue recovery
Scientific approach
- Determination of lipid content in sludge and evaluation/optimization of extraction method
- Preliminary laboratory-scale biodiesel conversion tests
- Development of a pilot reactor to obtain initial performance parameters
- Optimization of the biodiesel conversion reaction
- Application of standard EN 14214:2012 (physicochemical analysis of biodiesel)
- Assessment of energy consumption and energy integration of the process
- Assessment of possible complementarity with the SLOG project currently under development
- Determining the optimum recovery of the final residue :
o Evaluation of energy recovery + ash recovery (CRM-ETP)
o Evaluation of residue recovery in agriculture (CRA-W)
o Assessment of the environmental impact of land application of extraction residue