Better determine urban traffic pollution. ISSeP is looking for volunteers.

What kind of traffic pollution are you exposed to on the street, at home, at work or in your car? To calculate this with the utmost precision, ISSeP, the Institut Scientifique de Service Public, is launching a new project called OIE. To carry out the project, the Walloon institute specializing in air quality analysis has decided to call for volunteers. Fabian Lenarts, project manager: “Volunteers will wear two instruments. On the one hand, a portable ethalometer, which analyzes black carbon, a pollutant that comes mainly from traffic, but also from residential or commercial heating. And secondly, the volunteers will wear low-cost sensors to study nitrogen oxides, ozone and fine particles”.

Read the full article and listen to the interview with our colleague Fabian Lenartz on RTBF Info:


Find out more about the OIE project:



Volunteer for the OIE project? You can already send your full contact details and a brief description of your daily commute to Candidates will be selected in October.