ISSeP launches a comparative study of the influence of high concentrations of inorganic pollutants on population impregnation.
The BIOSOL study will seek to determine the relationships between the total content of a metal pollutant in the soil, its bioavailability (the fact that it can be more or less assimilated by the human body) and the level of contamination of the populations living on these soils. The aim is therefore to measure the impact of soil on the population’s contamination by metal pollutants.
Various metal pollutants will be investigated, including arsenic, lead and cadmium. The BIOSOL study will take place in autumn 2022. Soil and urine analyses will be carried out on 300 children aged between 6 and 11, living in 3 Walloon areas with contrasting metal levels A site with high levels of metals of natural origin, a site with high levels of anthropogenic origin and a “control” site, representative of soils with low levels of metal pollutants.
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