December 2022: CAPTEUR CO2 project, publication of study report

In autumn 2020, ISSeP launched a call for applications to schools for the “CO2 sensor” project. This consisted in providing schools with a sensor to measure CO2 in classrooms, in order to check proper ventilation and exposure to indoor air pollution.

Now that the project has been completed, the study report has been made public at this link: Study report CO2 sensor, ISSeP.

The project was aimed at all Walloon schools, primary and secondary, across all educational networks.

Primary 4, 5 and 6 teachers as well as secondary 1 and 2 teachers (science or technology) were particularly targeted. The proposed educational projects could easily be integrated into the curricula of these school years.

Through this “CO2 sensors” project, ISSeP aims to raise awareness of indoor air quality issues in schools and, more broadly, of measures to prevent environmental health risks. Commissioned as part of the Environment-Health Plan and supported by the Walloon Minister for the Environment, Céline Tellier, this study is financed by SPW Environment and AwAC (Walloon Air and Climate Agency).