December 8, 2016 – Urban Data Modelling and Visualisation, Workshop 2016, Liège.

ISSeP is sponsoring the UDMV 2016 conference organized at ULg this December 8, 2016. This day will discuss the use of geo-data to study, model and visualize cities. Nathalie Stéphenne will be presenting a keynote entitled “Geoinformation available and needed for urban and environmental modelling in Wallonia”.

The SmartPop project funded by ISSeP (Moerman) will also be presented at this conference by our partner, Lien Poelman from Vito.

The paper written by N. Stephenne, L. Poelmans, E. Hallot, B. Beaumont, and I. Uljee has been accepted in the proceedings of this conference with the title “From Regional LULC Model to Urban Population Density Simulation in Wallonia”.


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