January 2017 – A Contract of Administration signed between ISSeP and the Minister of the Environment


ISSeP (Institut Scientifique de Service Public) and the office of the Minister for the Environment sign their Administration Contract.

It was at the very end of 2016, on December 22, that ISSeP’s Managing Director, Ms Bénédicte Heindrichs, was informed of the official signing of an Administration Contract by the Minister responsible, Mr Carlo Di Antonio (Minister for the Environment, Spatial Planning, Mobility and Transport and Animal Welfare).

During the presentation of greetings on Friday January 6, 2017, in front of a packed room, Minister Carlo Di Antonio officially announced to the agents, the approval of this Administration Contract. This is the first time in its 25-year history that such an agreement has been successfully concluded and signed by both parties.

The Management Contract defines the strategic and operational objectives to which ISSeP is committed. It includes medium-term strategic planning and addresses both cross-functional and sectoral aspects of the Institute’s management. The aim is general:

  • current and projected organization;
  • the collective vision developed by the members of the Cordi (Committee of Division and Management Managers);
  • the values defined for the ISSeP as a whole ;
  • cross-functional strategic objectives covering both the ISSeP’s internal operations and the execution of its missions;
  • strategic “business” objectives relating to the performance of its missions and the added value of the services it provides to PWS;
  • achievement, monitoring and/or performance indicators to measure the attainment of cross-functional objectives and “business” objectives linked both to change and to the performance of ISSeP’s key cross-functional processes.

In addition, this Administration Contract includes specific objectives aimed at the various business lines and contains a total of 60 projects, which will be implemented from 2017 to operationalize its objectives.

This is the recognition of a new-found relationship of trust between ISSeP and the Walloon Government, and the foundations of an indispensable collaboration for a Walloon Scientific Institute that is resolutely focused on the future.