January 2017: Together with Spacebel and Skywin, ISSeP becomes the relay for Copernicus space program activities.

Copernicus is a European Union program designed to develop European information services based on satellite observation of the Earth and in situ (non-space) data.

The “Copernicus Relay” is responsible for promoting the Commission’s Earth Observation program.

The application submitted by ISSeP, Skywin and Spacebel was selected from 60 candidates to act as a relay for Copernicus space program activities in our region.

ISSeP has been appointed to relay the activities of the Copernicus space program for our region.

For more information: http://www.copernicus.eu

Spacebel logo-ISSeP-JPG SKYWIN

ISSat photo ESA-ATG MediaLab

Photos: ESA- European Sentinel 1-2 satellites – ESA-ATG MediaLab