July 11-13, 2016 – Hydrological Days

The days of the Commission Hydrosystèmes Continentaux (CNFG ) to be held this year 2016 from July 11 to 13 in Belgium on the theme of Sediment flows in Wallonia’s rivers: from the Pleistocene to Tomorrow. The general meeting of our commission will be held on the occasion of these days.

The organizing team, made up of Geoffrey HOUBRECHTS, Frédéric GOB, Éric HALLOT and François PETIT, has chosen the following main themes for these days.
– Quantification of TSS transport in Walloon rivers. The problem of transferring PCB contaminants and managing them.

– Restoring ecological and sediment continuity in rivers (presentation of a sector restored as part of the Walphy project)

– Dynamics of Ardennes rivers and alluvial plains during the Holocene and recent Pleistocene.

– Bottom load transport: competence, speed, frequency of scouring, solid flow.

– Hydrological and geomorphological impacts of beaver dams.