ISSeP took part in the event with a poster entitled :
“Monitoring black carbon with mobile devices in the city of Liège”.
Authors Luc Bertrand (DSE/CQA, present at the conference), Fabian Lenartz (DSE/CQA), and Yves Cornet and Christophe Louis, from the Geomatics Unit at the University of Liège.
This poster focused on the webGis (PostSQL/PostGis) application and associated processing of Black Carbon measurements and GPS tracks, developed as part of the ExTraCar (Traffic Exposure and Black Carbon) project.
The event marked the end of this Interreg IVB North West Europe project, which began in 2011,
with partners from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the UK.
Joaquin focused on two air pollutants that are “emerging” due to their health effects: black carbon (BC) and ultra-fine particles (UFP).