ISSeP will be giving a presentation on the occasion of this day.
Against a backdrop of legislative change, SPF Economie invites you to the “Cables in construction, what’s new?” information session for professionals on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 , to clarify legislation and address the sector’s concerns.
The morning session is intended to be informative, with contributions from representatives of the SPF Economie (Federal Public Service for the Economy) in charge of the legislation concerned, as well as from external partners who can provide the necessary technical expertise in terms of fire reaction for cables covered by the harmonized standard.
Why take part?
On July 1, 2017, EN 50575 concerning the reaction to fire of power, control and communication cables for general applications in construction works comes into force as a harmonized standard, under European Regulation 305/2011 for the marketing of construction products (CPR).
Consequently, for products covered by this standard and intended for incorporation into construction works, manufacturers and importers are obliged to place on the European market only cables whose declaration of performance has been drawn up in accordance with European regulation 305/2011. CE marking must be accompanied by additional information, such as the unique number of the declaration of performance, the system for assessing and verifying constancy of performance, and the number of the notified body.
In addition, pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation EU 2016/364 dated July 1, 2015, on the classification of reaction-to-fire performance of construction products under Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Article 104 of the General Regulations on Electrical Installations (RGIE) must be adapted to meet this regulatory change.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Federal Public Service Economy
City Atrium
Rue du Progrès 50
1210 Brussels
Practical information
Discover the full program and all the practical details of this event on our website.
How do I register?
Complete the online registration form before June 14.
Registration is free but compulsory.