Organization of new mandatory training sessions for soil and waste sampling, with simultaneous translation into Dutch and German on demand. The days scheduled at the Moulin de Beez in Namur have all been moved to Liège.
Proposed dates in Liège, Val Benoît site.
– Monday, March 14, 2022: Soil samplers first registration
– Tuesday, March 15, 2022: Waste samplers
– Wednesday, March 23, 2022: Soil samplers first entry
– Thursday, March 24, 2022: Waste samplers
– Friday, March 25, 2022: Soil samplers who have already taken the training course in 2019 -> postponed to a later date
Find out more about these mandatory training courses:
For waste extractors registered as a legal entity, all natural persons in charge of extraction must participate (cf. art. 8,4° of the AGW of 11/04/2019).
Soil samplers identified in the Expert accreditation and working in design offices will be required to take part in the advanced module (initially scheduled for 03/25) when it is rescheduled. However, participation is limited to 2 people per design office: one authorized person and one person in charge of sampling (ideally the sampling team leader).
You will be asked to make a contribution to the costs of organizing the event.
If an unfavorable change in the health situation forces us to modify the organization, you will be informed. The event will take place in compliance with sanitary measures, and a covid safe ticket will probably be required.
These training courses are organized by ISSeP, in collaboration with the Soil and Waste Department of SPW ARNE.
Site du Val Benoit, Génie Civil, Quai Banning 6, 4000 Liège (Parking P2 accessible). How to find us.
CONTACT or 04 229 82 79.