May 7-11, 2017 – SETAC EUROPA 2017, Brussels

ISSeP sponsors and participates in SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe), the Europe’s largest environmental congress, with 1,800 presentations and numerous parallel sessions. It takes place every year in a different country, and will be held in Brussels for the next edition. ISSeP will be present with six presentations:

  • Use of macroinvertebrates and fish to determine priority substances concentrations in Walloon Rivers: biota monitoring network and caging techniques, D. Leroy, P-N. Libert, Galloy A., Hardy H., Canisius M.F., Y. Marneffe.
  • Multi-actor strategy for the management of an industrial effluent impacting a sensitive waterbody: use of bioassays to assess the efficiency of the management measures, Yves Marneffe, Carole Chalon, Delphine Leroy and Jean-François Vaerewyck.
  • TiO2, CNT and Al nanoparticles risk assessment for sediment-dwelling organisms, Matthieu Hémart, Hervé Breulet & Yves Marneffe.
  • Building spatial composite indicators to identify environmental health risk areas in Walloon region, Sarah Habran, Emilie César, Mathieu Veschkens, Suzanne Remy.
  • Development and Evolution of Pesticides Risks Indicators to human health in Wallonia, Belgium, Giusti Arnaud, Crévecoeur Sophie, Lievens Elsy, Remy Suzanne.
  • Evolution of ambient air concentrations of 46 pesticides in Wallonia, Belgium in summer 2015, Giusti Arnaud, Galloy Anne, Gérard Guy, Pigeon Olivier, Delvaux Alain, Remy Suzanne.