November 5-9 – NanoSafe 2018

ISSeP is taking part in NanoSafe, the sixth international health and safety conference dealing with nanomaterials, to be held in Grenoble, France, from November 5 to 9, 2018.

The results of the ” NANOGRA ” research project will be presented in two sessions:

  • Session 4.4 – Risk Management – “Ignition and explosion characteristics of four kinds of nanopowders” :

Nanomaterials are attracting growing interest from industry and research. However, knowledge of these new materials is limited, and the risks of fire and explosion from these powdery products should not be overlooked. Most flammability and explosion studies have been carried out on microscopic materials and cannot be extrapolated to nanoparticles. The study of explosion and ignition risks associated with combustible nanomaterials (Thermal Black N990, Corax N550, carbon nanotubes, Aluminium) of economic interest to Wallonia, was carried out as part of the NANOGRA project.

  • Session 4.1 – Occupational risk assessment – “Risk assessment during explosion severity tests of carbon black and MWCNT in a laboratory” :

A risk assessment was carried out during explosivity tests on carbonaceous nanopowders. At the same time, operator exposure was measured. These measures enabled us to verify the health protection of the operator in charge of the tests. Comparing estimated risks with measurements also enabled us to assess the relevance of the graduated risk assessment tools used.