The Copernicus Relays of Wallonia and Luxembourg, in collaboration with the AI network, are pleased to invite you to the AI4Copernicus event in Namur on September 17, 2019, bringing together all the players in Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation.
Registration and more information on:
ISSeP, Skywin and the members of the editorial board are pleased to share with you the Position Paper of the Groupe de Travail “Observation de la Terre” (GTEO).
This document summarizes three years of collective work by the 140-plus participants in the GTEO. It brings together a set of recommendations on the use of EO data from satellite, airborne and drone technologies for the benefit of tomorrow’s digital Wallonia.
The document was sent to Ministers Jeholet, Di Antonio and Collin.
Please feel free to distribute this document to your network.
The Groupe de Travail Mixte (public services, private companies, universities and research centers) en Observation de la Terre ( GTEO ) is a joint organization of ISSeP and the Skywin competitiveness cluster. The GTEO aims to:
- Bringing together EO players and enhancing mutual understanding
- Introducing new players, associations, projects and space programs
- Generate ideas for industrial and collaborative projects
- Promote EO in Wallonia, nationally and internationally
- Developing links between business and research in Wallonia and Wallonia’s public services
Since 2015, 9 WEOGs have been organized. The presentations can be downloaded below.
If you would like to be kept informed of future WGEO events, please contact Benjamin Beaumont