EXPOPESTEN: EXposition de la POpulation aux PESTicides Environnementaux (Population exposure to environmental PESTicides)


Every year, large quantities of pesticides are used by farmers, horticulturalists, park and garden maintenance companies, public transport operators and other professionals. But private individuals also have access to various pesticides used in gardens and homes. Pesticides are therefore ubiquitous in the environment and in living spaces, exposing people through the ingestion of contaminated food and water, inhalation and skin contact when using pesticides or coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.
Since the 1980s, numerous scientific studies have linked pesticide exposure to serious health effects such as cancer, neurological disorders, effects on reproductive functions and development, and endocrine disruption. It is therefore necessary to develop knowledge relating to the external/internal exposure of groups at risk from their occupational activities, the occupational activity of their family circle and their living environment, as well as the chronic effects of these exposures as advocated by the Walloon Pesticide Reduction Plan (PWRP, 2013).
In Wallonia, water and food are subject to regular controls. On the other hand, pesticide concentrations are not measured in ambient air (outdoor and indoor) in the Walloon region. However, studies carried out in North America and certain European countries (France, Spain, Luxembourg, etc.) show the presence of numerous pesticides in ambient air, whether in cities or the countryside, in outdoor or indoor air.
This project is fully in line with :
– Directive 2009/128/EC, which establishes a framework for Community action to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides;
– Action 4.1 of the Walloon Pesticide Reduction Plan (PWRP, 2013), which calls for “developing knowledge about external/internal exposure of groups at risk from their occupational activities, the occupational activities of their family circle and their living environment, as well as the chronic effects of these exposures”.

For further information:

Walloon Pesticide Reduction Plan (PWRP, 2013):http://agriculture.wallonie.be/pwrp/programme_complet.pdf

Official Journal of the European Union, Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for Community action to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides.


The overall aim of the EXPOPESTEN project is to develop a multidisciplinary approach to help understand environmental (non-dietary) exposure and the risks associated with pesticide exposure in Wallonia.

Scientific approach

The overall objective is broken down into two specific objectives:
The first specific objective is to assess the exposure of Walloon residents to pesticides by inhalation, on a Walloon-wide scale (see figure below). This first objective is a regional approach to exposure based on measurements of pesticides in outdoor air. Ambient air is sampled every 14 days at 12 sampling stations throughout Wallonia. These sampling stations have been placed near agricultural areas, in urban areas, in areas of “zero” pesticide use, etc. The results of pesticide concentration measurements in ambient air will make it possible to determine the average quantitative and qualitative exposure of urban and rural populations to pesticides over the course of a year.
The second specific objective is to compare the environmental and overall exposure to pesticides of two populations of children: a population of children living in rural areas far from areas of agricultural spraying, and a population of children living in a geographical area subject to frequent agricultural spraying. This second objective is a local approach aimed at a more precise determination of exposure. The pesticides analyzed will depend on the results of the first phase. Environmental exposure by inhalation will be assessed on the basis of measurement data in outdoor air and in children’s living quarters. More specific measurements of individual exposure may also be carried out (exposure to pesticides through skin contact via pesticide dosing on children’s hands, indoor dust via vacuum cleaner dust, etc.). Data will also be collected using questionnaires designed to capture the sources, durations and frequencies of each child’s personal exposure. Finally, overall internal exposure will be measured using exposure biomarkers.

Presentation of the first project objective


This project is being carried out with various partners within ISSeP: the Environment-Health Unit, the Organic Chemistry Unit and the Air Quality Unit, as well as with external partners: the Walloon Agricultural Research Center (CRA-W), the Regional Phyto Committee (CRP) and the ULg Toxicology Department.

Research reports