01/07/2016: We have been on our starting blocks and eventually our Laboratory is now a Notified Body (NB) for CE marking of cables, according to EN 50575, under the CPR (Construction Products Regulation nr 305/2011). Just in the nick of time since the aforementioned CE marking starts on the 1st July, 2016!
The Fire Laboratory of ISSeP plays a part in reducing the fire risk by actively working in the reaction to fire sector. This involve studying the behaviour of material subjected to fire and how it contributes to the fire growth. Among the characteristics followed:
- Inflammation;
- Flame Propagation;
- Heat release rate;
- Smoke generation: amount and nature (toxicity and/or corrosivity);
- …
With more than 30 years of experience, the ISSeP’s Fire Laboratory has specialized in the reaction to fire of electrical cables. It was a partner of the consortium FIPEC (FIre Performance of Electric Cables) that in the beginning of the21st century laid the foundations of the current European Regulation regarding the fire safety of electrical cable that will be installed in buildings.
It can perform standardized test, some under accreditation, some not.
- Our accreditation;
- Our recognition by CERTIFER;
- Our laboratory is member of EGOLF.
ISSeP’s Laboratory will be a notified body (NB) for EN 50575 (Euroclassification of cable under CPR – Construction products Regulation – Regulation No.305/2011) as soon as NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) will include the aforementioned standard.
Since mankind exists, man has to face fire. These fires can have tragic consequences, direct or delayed, on man and his environment, and serious economical aftereffects. Historically, man endeavours to fight this hazard with harmful effects. But fire remained for a long time unknown. It is only since the 18th century that man has improved his understanding of the underlying phenomena and has started to study scientifically fire. From this concern statutory obligations emerge. In Belgium, the current law of fire safety originated from the lessons learnt from the Innovation department store fire back in 1967. It has since incorporated the European requirements.