ISSeP has been accredited to ISO/CEI 17025 ” General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ” since 1997. This accreditation covers a large number of the Institute’s activities: testing techniques in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, microbiology, ecotoxicology, fire behavior of materials, etc., as well as sampling in the fields of water, air, waste, soil, sediment, sludge, etc.
ISSeP has also been accredited to ISO/IEC 17043 ” General requirements for proficiency testing ” since 2016. This accreditation covers water, soil and sediment matrices, and is closely linked to the Institute’s role as a reference laboratory.
ISSeP has also been accredited to ISO 17020 “Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of inspection bodies” since 2023. This accreditation covers inspections for “Verification of the in-service conformity of light vehicles with regard to exhaust emissions, on a roller test bench (WLTP), and under real driving conditions (RDE), according to the In Service Conformity (ISC) procedure”.
These standards impose a high level of quality, both at organizational and technical/scientific levels. Their requirements have been designed to ensure, when they are met, the competence of the organization applying them, at international level (EA-MLA and ILAC-MRA agreements).
BELAC accreditations
- Tests: BELAC accreditation certificate no. 060-TEST relating to ISO 17025
- Proficiency testing: BELAC accreditation certificate no. 060-PT relating to ISO 17043
- Inspections: BELAC accreditation certificate no. 060-INSP relating to ISO 17020

Approval “Asbestos in air and materials” issued by SPF Emploi et travail, in accordance with Article II.6-2 of Book II, Title 6, Laboratories, of the Code du bien-être au travail.