
ERDF Convergence 2007-2013 programming in partnership with CARAH, CTP and UMONS.

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Budget: €2,090,427.40 of which €864,250 for ISSeP, financed 40% by the ERDF and 60% by the Walloon Region.
The project started on July 1, 2009.

The aim of the VALSOLINDUS project is to validate the SOLINDUS process by assessing the health risks for treatment personnel and the risks to human health and ecosystems associated with the reuse of treated sediments on soils. Environmental risks are studied for groundwater, plants and soil fauna.

Setting up experimental plots
Setting up experimental plots
Plant biomass harvesting
Plant biomass harvesting (July 2014)

The VALSOLINDUS risk assessment for operators has led to Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) in line with legislation on airborne particles and organic and inorganic contaminants. The process as implemented does not present any risk to the personnel in charge of treatment.
Four experimental plots have been set up to assess the compatibility of treated sediments for use in landscaping. These have increasing rates of sediment incorporation (0 – 20 – 50 – 100%) in agricultural soil and have been sown with Italian ryegrass. The evolution of these plots (physical chemistry, plant growth, fauna and flora surveys, etc.) will be monitored until at least June 2015.

To find out more about the 2007-2013 Structural Funds program, visit the Walloon Government’s Structural Funds website at